Friday, April 18, 2008

Heavy Lies The Crown.

First, this is a piece I did for my brother who is currently in rehab getting his shit together. I think it turned out ok, just hope he enjoys it as much as i enjoyed making it for him.

Second, I finally finished my Littered With Arrows piece and am thinking of doing it up bigger on wood. Maybe change the composition a bit and up the size. No time to now, probably have to wait till schools out for that.

Heading to Philly this weekend to freeze my ass off. hope everyone doesn't kill themselves trying to finish up the year. Take it sleazy.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

golf clubs break knee caps.

new idea, this is whats happening:

yeah, instead of doing Anton Chighur from No Country, I'm doin' these guys from Funny Games. If you haven't seen that movie yet, do yourself a favor.
I'm excited for this one, I'll try not to fuck it up.

In other news, heres a sketch for another free time doodle I'm doing:

Not exactly sure where it's gonna go yet,
but I like how the drawings turned out so far.
More soon.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shred The Gnar, Bro.

Hey d00ds, this is a skate deck I've been working on with the spare time that I don't have. It's still in progress but i think its a good start, better pictures soon.

As most of you are probably aware, Erik Jones is heading up an art show based on movie characters, my roommates and I are entering and I've decided to go with Anton Chigurh from No Country For Old Men. Great movie, badass villain, I'll have sketches and whatnot from that up soon.
Also If you haven't yet, see this movie:

been on heavy rotation at our place past few days, you'll thank me later.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Littered With Arrows.

This is a piece I've been working on in my spare time, heres the initial sketch with ink work over top.

and heres the watercoloring i did over top, added some octo-skulls on the sides, then the halos.

I'm not quite done with it yet, backround still needs some work. We'll see what I come up with.


this is a silly ill I did for class. we had to pick 3 random things out of a hat. I got Queen Elizabeth, Prehistoric, In a Castle.
This is what happened.

new! (kinda)

Heres the sketch of a piece i did for society.

and heres the finished product. not too bad.
I've been trying to get more stuff up here and make this a legit blog. stay tuned.